$toggle migration

Performs different toggle mechanisms, depending on what type lies behind path in subject.

1. Boolean: Will turn true to false and false to true

2. Array: Will add a value if not present and remove it otherwise

3. Other: Will set the target to value if it doesn't equal value or to fallback otherwise. If fallback is not set, it will be replaced by a type-dependent empty value


path (String/Array) - The path to the item, that should be toggled

value (Any) - An optional value, to determine the toggle operation on. In case path leads to an array, $toggle will check, if that array contains value and remove it, if it's there or add it otherwise. In case path leads to a string for example, $toggle will set the that string to fallback or an empty string, if it equals value. In case path leads to a boolean value, value is not available.

fallback (Any) - An optional fallback for the non-array and non-boolean toggle types.

subject (Object) - The object that contains the item, that should be toggled


String -> Object -> Object !!!(when first parameter leads to Boolean)
(String, Object) -> Object !!!(when first parameter leads to Boolean)
String -> * -> Object -> Object
(String, *) -> Object -> Object
(String, *, Object) -> Object
String -> * -> * -> Object -> Object
(String, *) -> * -> Object -> Object
(String, *, *) -> Object -> Object
(String, *, *, Object) -> Object
Array -> Object -> Object !!!(when first parameter leads to Boolean)
(Array, Object) -> Object !!!(when first parameter leads to Boolean)
Array -> * -> Object -> Object
(Array, *) -> Object -> Object
(Array, *, Object) -> Object
Array -> * -> * -> Object -> Object
(Array, *) -> * -> Object -> Object
(Array, *, *) -> Object -> Object
(Array, *, *, Object) -> Object

EXAMPLE (boolean)

const myObject = {
    lightIsOn: false

$toggle('lightIsOn', myObject); // returns { lightIsOn: true }

EXAMPLE (array)

const myObject = {
    itemsInTheFrige: ['eggs', 'beer', 'milk']

const withoutBeer = $toggle('itemsInTheFrige', 'beer', myObject); // returns { itemsInTheFrige: ['eggs', 'milk'] }
$toggle('itemsInTheFrige', 'beer', withoutBeer); // returns { itemsInTheFrige: ['eggs', 'milk', 'beer'] }

EXAMPLE (string)

const myObject = {
    kitchenDutyToday: 'John Schmoe'

$toggle('kitchenDutyToday', 'John Schmoe', myObject); // returns { kitchenDutyToday: '' }
const jane = $toggle('kitchenDutyToday', 'John Schmoe', 'Jane Doe', myObject); // returns { kitchenDutyToday: 'Jane Doe' }
$toggle('kitchenDutyToday', 'John Schmoe', 'Jane Doe', jane); // returns { kitchenDutyToday: 'John Schmoe' }

IMMUTABLE JS SUPPORT the following types are supported for values targeted by path:


results matching ""

    No results matching ""